
I would just like to say im a first time blogger but a long time reader. well i guess this is where i tell you what i did today. today i woke up to a traditional sunday morning, pancakes, eggs and a big swedish smile. when suddenly i heard the terrible news that my scooter, which is being repaired, will not be returned to me until wednesday :O... three more days i must live like a muggle and walk this dreaded campus!
anyway enough about me. anyway i have question for blog reading people out there.... is it me or is every sweden person blond hair and blue eyed? this is no joke look outside, look to the left, look to the right, let me guess you just saw four people with blond hair blue eyes..... please give me your thoughts.
oh feel free to post pics to prove me wrong,i thought i would add this pic which i just happened to randomly pick out off the blue, what you know everyones blond and blue eyed.....

Postat av: Ronja

I'm blond and brown eyed!

2011-01-31 @ 16:21:14

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