Christmas party!

Fick en inbjudan till ett event as ash i dag:
The bells, joy, and mistle toe are finally all here,
Including the holiday drinks, peppermint shots, and the good ol' beer.
Join us at Mills House at 8:00pm on Saturday,
Please be sure to bring $5 to help pay!
This holiday party we are going add a little twist,
Make sure to participate or you will be on Santa's naughty list!
Directions for each class are given below,
Read carefully in order to dress up to this holiday status quo.
Freshmen take a break from Santa's workshop,
Come dressed in green and your best elf pants, dress, and/or top!
Sophomores gather your tissue paper, wrapping paper, and big red bow,
Surprise us dressed like presents that will make us say WHOA!
Juniors begin your search for a gold star and colorful lights,
For you will be a Christmas tree that will shine real bright!
Seniors come dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Claus on Saturday night,
For we have a lot to get done before we send the reindeer off for their flight!
Let's end this year with a party we will remember... Even when it's not December.
So bring it on! The costumes and cheer, To celebrate this wonderful time of the year!
asskoj ju! väldigt fyndigt av henna att skriva allt på rim, och extra kul att alla har olika teman! förra året var det ju bara ugly christmast sweater rakt igenom som gällde, så blir kul att variera det lite. så här såg det ut förra året, bilder från i år kommer på söndag!


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